Bitbefx || FAQs

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  • Who is Bitbefx?

    Bitbefx is a company that offers its clients a stake in a professionally managed and diversified investment portfolio. This portfolio is assembled by investing in four fields: Forex Markets, Bitcoin Mining, Venture Capital and the Digital Exchange.

  • How does one create an account?

    To create an account click this Sign Upregister button and fill the registration form.

  • Is there any withdrawal limit?

    There is no withdrawal limit.

  • Do you charge any commission fee?

    The program does not provide any commission fees, additional and / or hidden charges. You pay only the fees of electronic payment systems when making investments and withdrawing funds.

  • How can i invest?

    To start a new investment cycle, log in go to your dashboard by clicking the “Dashboard” link in the top menu of the site. In the dashboard find the section called “Actions” and click the large button that says “Deposit”. You will be redirected to the deposit creation page, where you will set up your profile

  • How does Bitbefx make money for invetors?

    We trade on cryptocurrency exchanges and participate in highly profitable investment transactions. Bitbefx is a platform with automated elements of trading on cryptocurrency, asset management based on advanced AI risk management, Blockchain technologies and protocol for fast orders delivery.

  • What industries covered?

    Same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain these cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish.

  • How do i reset my password if forgotten?

    To restore the lost authorization data on our program’s website, use the "Recover password" link from the company's official website.

  • Can i make money through referrals without depositing?

    Yes, you can.

Are you *Ready?

Get started with us today and enjoy our tailored investment packages.